Interior and exterior trends from around the world!

Apr 18 , 2024  |  182

Interior and exterior trends from around the world!

Indoor and outdoor plants have been popular choices for architects to incorporate into green and environmentally friendly living spaces.

Why are people increasingly striving for that? Nature is also at risk as a result of resource overexploitation. Recent natural disasters and epidemics, such as floods, earthquakes, tsunamis, epidemics, and so on, demonstrate that nature is under attack. Developed countries have long been concerned with environmental protection, such as tree exploitation, which includes rules to avoid indiscriminate exploitation, particularly in Europe, America, Australia, and Japan.

Despite Singapore's limited resources, green areas have long covered more than 50% of the ground surface horizontally and more than 75% vertically in Asia under the "Vertical Garden" national development policy. Years ago, they had a clear vision for green living and sustainable growth.

What should we do today? Each person only needs to be slightly attentive; we will also work to reduce climate change and improve health.

The materials chosen are recycled green resources, demonstrating circular development to conserve the blue earth.

Viettiles is a manufacturer of non-heat burned products such as cement tiles, breeze blocks, terrazzo tiles and 3D wall tiles. The manufacturing process does not emit CO2, which pollutes the environment.

With over 160 standard colors to inspire your imagination, discover more about the products at  and don't hesitate to contact Viettiles to come up with solutions that suit your living space. Compatible with the humanity of the product.

The message of sustainable green living is to connect and spread the word about how everyone can work together to safeguard the environment. If you want those items, please contact Viettiles and we can become friends!

Love at first sight and love forever!



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• Phone: +84906808012 / +84906830362

• Speak English: +84 909407983

Showroom : No 17, Street 40, An Khanh Ward, Thu Duc City, Hochiminh City


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